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Friday, November 16, 2018

Maryland: Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers

9:30 PM

Maryland: Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers

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Health Tips : योग अपनाकर ठंड और सर्दी को कहें बाय बाय

9:18 PM

Health Tips : योग अपनाकर ठंड और सर्दी को कहें बाय बाय

शरीर की गर्माहट को सुरक्षित रखता है योग
शरीर की गर्माहट को सुरक्षित रखता है योग
ठंड के मौसम ने दस्तक दे दी है। इस समय प्रदूषण भी काफी बढ़ रहा है। इस वजह से रोगों के होने की आशंका बहुत अधिक बढ़ जाती है। आमतौर पर इस मौसम में सर्दी, जुकाम, बुखार, खांसी आदि रोगों की आशंका अधिक होती है। ठंड से बचने के अनेक उपाय हैं, जिनमें से कुछ प्राकृतिक और सेहत से भरपूर भी हैं। ऐसे ही कुछ खास उपायों में प्रमुखता से शामिल हैं योगासन, जिनके अभ्यास से आप अपने शरीर की गर्माहट को सुरक्षित रख सकते हैं। यदि अभी से कुछ यौगिक अभ्यास नियमित रूप से किए जाएं तो ये बीमारियां हमें छू भी नहीं सकतीं। ऐसे उपायों के बारे में जानकारी दे रहे हैं योगाचार्य कौशल कुमार
आसन: इस मौसम में शरीर का शोधन ज्यादा आवश्यक होता है। इसलिए ऐसे यौगिक व्यायाम, जो शरीर के विषाक्त तत्वों को बाहर निकालकर शरीर को स्वस्थ रखते हैं, का अभ्यास करना चाहिए। इनमें सूक्ष्म व्यायाम, सूर्य नमस्कार तथा कुछ प्रमुख आसन जैसे जानु शिरासन, पश्चिमोत्तानासन, उष्ट्रासन, सुप्त वज्रासन, मेरुवक्रासन आदि प्रमुख हैं, जिनका प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करना चाहिए। 
जानु शिरासन की अभ्यास विधि
जानु शिरासन की अभ्यास विधि

दोनों पैरों को सामने की ओर फैलाकर बैठ जाएं। कुछ लम्बी तथा गहरी श्वास-प्रश्वास लें। इसके पश्चात मन को स्थिर रखते हुए अपने बाएं पैर को घुटने से मोड़कर इसके तलवे को दाएं पैर की जांघ से अच्छी तरह सटा लें। दोनों हाथों को सिर के ऊपर उठाकर धीरे-धीरे हाथ तथा धड़ को आगे की ओर इस प्रकार झुकाएं कि हथेलियां दाएं पैर के पंजे को स्पर्श करें तथा माथा दाएं पैर के घुटने पर स्थित हो। किसी प्रकार की जबरदस्ती न करें। इस स्थिति में आरामदायक अवधि तक रुककर वापस पूर्व स्थिति में आएं। इसके बाद यही क्रिया दूसरे पैर से तथा दोनों पैरों से एक साथ भी करें।
सीमा : स्लिप डिस्क, सायटिका, स्पॉन्डिलाइटिस तथा तीव्र कमर दर्द की शिकायत वाले लोग इसका अभ्यास न कर अर्धशलभासन, मकरासन का अभ्यास करें।
उपासन : इस आसन के अभ्यास के पश्चात पीछे झुकने वाला कोई आसन जैसे उष्ट्रासन, धनुरासन या सुप्त वज्रासन आदि में से किसी एक का अभ्यास अवश्य करें।
योग में हैं 6 शोधन क्रियाएं

योग में हैं 6 शोधन क्रियाएं
षटकर्म : शरीर के अंदर स्थित विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने हेतु योग में छह शोधन क्रियाए हैं, जिन्हें षटकर्म कहते हैं। इनमें कुछ सरल क्रियाएं हैं, जैसे जलनेति, कुंजल, कपालभाति आदि। इनका अभ्यास अवश्य करें, किन्तु अभ्यास किसी योग्य मार्गदर्शन में करें। इनसे सर्दी, जुकाम, खांसी, बुखार आदि की आशंका समाप्त हो जाती है।
प्राणायाम : कपालभाति, भस्त्रिका तथा अग्निसार के साथ नाड़ी शोधन प्राणायाम शरीर के विषाक्त तत्वों के निष्कासन के साथ प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़ाते हैं। प्रतिदिन नियमित रूप से इनका अभ्यास करना चाहिए। किन्तु सर्दी, जुकाम, बुखार आदि की स्थिति में इनका अभ्यास नहीं करें।
भस्त्रिका की अभ्यास विधि
भस्त्रिका की अभ्यास विधि
ध्यान के किसी आसन जैसे पद्मासन, सिद्धासन, सुखासन या कुर्सी पर गला व सिर को सीधा कर बैठ जाएं। किन्तु पद्मासन या सिद्धासन सर्वश्रेष्ठ हैं। चेहरे को ढीला व हल्का रखकर शरीर के सभी अंगों को भी सहज रखें। अब दो तीन लम्बी तथा गहरी श्वास-प्रश्वास लें। उसके बाद मन को श्वास-प्रश्वास पर एकाग्र रखते हुए नासिका द्वारा झटके से लम्बी श्वास अंदर लें तथा झटके से ही लम्बी श्वास बाहर निकालें। भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम की यह एक आवृत्ति है। इसकी 15  से 20 आवृत्तियों का अभ्यास एक साथ करें। यह एक चक्र है। एक चक्र के बाद एक लम्बी तथा गहरी श्वास-प्रश्वास लेकर थोड़ी देर में विश्राम करें। एक दो मिनट बाद पुन: इसके एक चक्र का अभ्यास करें। प्रारम्भ दो से तीन चक्रों के अभ्यास से करें। कुछ दिनों के अंतराल पर चक्रों की संख्या बढ़ाते जाएं। अंतत: इसे पांच से 10 मिनट की अवधि में रखें।
सीमा : उच्च रक्तचाप, हृदय रोग, स्पॉन्डिलाइटिस, हर्निया तथा हाइपर थॉइरॉएड एवं हाइपर एसिडिटी से त्रस्त लोग इसका अभ्यास न करें। ऐसे लोग सरल नाड़ी शोधन का अभ्यास करें।
शिथिलीकरण : आज के इस भौतिक युग में भागदौड़, तनाव तथा अफरातफरी जीवन का हिस्सा बन गए हैं। इस कारण शरीर की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता कम हो रही है। योग की शिथिलीकारण क्रिया, योग निद्रा, ध्यान आदि इसके निदान में रामबाण सिद्ध होती हैं। 
आहार : बदलते मौसम में यदि हम अपने आहार को संतुलित कर लें तो रोग होने की आशंका 80 प्रतिशत तक कम हो जाएगी।

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Brexit deal: UK PM Theresa May manages to get Cabinet backing

8:41 PM

Brexit deal: UK PM Theresa May manages to get Cabinet backing

British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday said she had won over her divided Cabinet after hours of talks to back the withdrawal agreement struck with the European Union (EU).
In a statement at the end of the marathon five-hour-long meeting at 10 Downing Street, May hailed the Cabinet's backing as a "decisive step" that will enable Britain to move on in the ongoing negotiations with the economic bloc and ensure a deal that is in the best interest of the UK.She said that her team had a "long, detailed and impassioned debate", at the end of which they agreed to move ahead with the deal on the table.
"I firmly believe with my head and my heart that this is in the best interests of our entire United Kingdom, she said in her statement.There had been much speculation over the major Cabinet showdown, with many of its members opposed to large chunks of the draft agreement. Some media reports suggest that she may not be in the all-clear just yet, with a potential no-confidence motion in her leadership likely to be mounted by her Conservative Party MPs unhappy with the deal.
Earlier, addressing a raucous House of Commons during her weekly Prime Ministers' Questions (PMQs) ahead of the crunch meeting at Downing Street, the British PM told MPs that the deal agreed with the EU delivers on the British public's vote in favour of Brexit in the 2016 referendum."What we have been negotiating is a deal that does deliver on the vote of the British people," she said, adding that the agreement would give the UK control of borders, laws and money and also protect business and jobs.
However, Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn accused her of preparing to bring a "false choice" before Parliament between a "botched deal and no deal". He said the UK would be stuck in an "indefinite half-way house without any real say" if the current Brexit agreement went ahead.But May countered that the Labour Party's objective was to "frustrate Brexit and betray the vote of the British people".
Downing Street had said that the UK and EU have agreed an initial draft agreement on the negotiating terms for Britain's exit, the so-called divorce settlement, from the economic bloc by March next year. Theresa May was then faced with the tough task of convincing her deeply divided Cabinet that the agreement is the best possible outcome for Britain."Both sides want to reach an agreement. But what we are negotiating is immensely difficult. I do not shy away from that," May had said in a speech earlier this week, hours before it emerged that Brussels was ready to publish a 500-page document of the withdrawal agreement once the British PM is able to get her Cabinet on board.
On one of the most contentious aspects of the negotiations, the EU has reportedly dropped its demand for Northern Ireland to remain in the economic bloc's Customs Union as a "back stop" until a future trade deal is signed. However, Theresa May is believed to have agreed that the region can remain more closely aligned to EU regulations in some areas than the rest of the UK.The deal will involve a two-year transition until 2021, followed by a UK-wide Customs Union "backstop" in the event that the Irish border issue cannot be resolved during that period.
While the full details of the agreement are yet to be published, leading Brexiteers and even some pro-Remain MPs of the ruling Conservative Party have called on ministers to reject the deal as unacceptable.Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), on whom Theresa May relies for her majority in the House of Commons, have warned that the agreement could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom.An embattled Theresa May hosted one-on-one briefings with her ministers overnight in Downing Street on Tuesday ahead of the full Cabinet meeting later on Wednesday.
Some key pro-Brexit ministers, including international development secretary Penny Mordaunt and work and pensions secretary Esther McVey, were named as possible members of her Cabinet who might resign in protest and possibly even pave the way for a leadership challenge against the PM.
But Theresa May is thought to have won the support of five key ministers foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, home secretary Sajid Javid, Brexit secretary Dominic Raab, environment secretary Michael Gove, and Attorney General Geoffrey Cox.
Once the Cabinet signs off on the deal, the European Commission is expected to publish the details of agreement alongside a much shorter declaration on future economic and security relations, which still need to be fully thrashed out.Ambassadors from the remaining 27 EU member states will then discuss the possibility of organising an emergency summit later this month, earmarked for November 25, to sign off on it.
However, then the UK government faces a battle to win Parliament's backing on the divorce agreement, with some Tories already vowing to vote against it and the DUP's support being uncertain.The crucial leg of the Brexit negotiations follows months of wrangles, with transport minister Jo Johnson, his brother foreign secretary Boris Johnson and Brexit secretary David Davis stepping down over the issue.
These ministers have vehemently opposed the withdrawal agreement and called on fellow Tory MPs to oppose it.This critical stage of negotiations will determine the final stages of Britain's formal exit from the EU on March 29, 2019, after the June 2016 referendum in favour of Brexit.
Theresa May leaving 10 Downing Street

South African President Ramaphosa likely to be Chief Guest at Republic Day

8:36 PM

South African President Ramaphosa likely to be Chief Guest at Republic Day

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is likely to be the chief guest at the 2019 Republic Day parade here, sources said. Earlier Prime Minister Narendra Modi had extended an invitation to US President Donald Trump, but he expressed his inability citing 'scheduling conflicts.'
Cyril Ramaphosa will be the second leader from South Africa to attend India's Republic Day parade as the chief guest. Former President Nelson Mandela was the chief guest at the 1995 Republic Day parade.South African President Ramaphosa is a follower of Mahatma Gandhi. A few months back, he led as many as 5,000 people at the annual 'Gandhi Walk' event organized at Lenasia, a few kilometers away from Johannesburg in an attempt to promote fitness and community awareness.
India and South Africa are making efforts to develop bilateral relations in order to boost trade and investment relations. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Ramaphosa on the sidelines of the BRICS summit held in Johannesburg. During the meet, the two-state heads signed MoUs in the areas of defense, trade, culture, agriculture, and dairy cooperation.
Cyril Ramaphosa

Best comedy haste haste pet dukh jayega #2018#

11:52 AM

mp election 2018: पीएम मोदी कल से शुरू करेंगे इलेक्शन कैंपेन, 5 दिन में करेंगे 10 रैलियां

10:55 AM
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी 16 नवंबर से मध्य प्रदेश में चुनाव प्रचार शुरू करेंगे।

MP Vidhan Sabha Chunav 2018: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी 16 नवंबर से मध्य प्रदेश में चुनाव प्रचार शुरू करेंगे। वे पांच दिन यहां चुनाव प्रचार करेंगे, इस दौरान प्रधानमंत्री 10 रैलियां करेंगे। भाजपा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष राकेश सिंह ने बुधवार को बताया कि प्रधानमंत्री मोदी 16 से 25 नवंबर के बीच पांच दिन प्रदेश के दौरे पर रहेंगे। 
मोदी 16 नवंबर को ग्वालियर और शहडोल में चुनावी सभाओं को संबोधित करेंगे। 18 नवंबर को प्रधानमंत्री छिंदवाड़ा और इंदौर में, 20 नवंबर को झाबुआ और रीवा में, 23 नवंबर को मंदसौर और छतरपुर में तथा 25 नवंबर को विदिशा और जबलपुर में रैलियां करेंगे।
28 नवंबर को प्रदेश में वोटिंग
मध्य प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव की सभी 230 सीटों का मतदान एक ही चरण में होगा। 28 नवंबर को वोट डाले जाएंगे। इसके अलावा मध्य प्रदेश समेत पांचों राज्यों के चुनावी नतीजों की घोषणा 11 दिसंबर को होगी। 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Delhi: 48-year-old dies after falling off hotel terrace

12:13 PM

Delhi: 48-year-old dies after falling off hotel terrace

A 48-year-old US-based NRI died after falling off the terrace garden in the Luteyan Delhi's Taj Maan Singh hotel. Prima facie it appears that the deceased was in an inebriated state and had gone to relieve himself during which he fell off the terrace garden. It may be noted that the terrace garden did not have any grills or a boundary wall.
According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Narender A Mangalam, a resident of Bethesda, Maryland in the USA. "He had arrived at the hotel on November 7 at 2.17am and was to depart on Thursday evening. The hotel staff informed the police after which a police team was rushed to the hotel" said Madhur Verma, DCP, New Delhi Area.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the victim had reached the terrace garden on the third floor in order to relieve himself. The police have recovered documents, two miniature bottles and a wine bottle from his room. As per CCTV footage the accused can be seen roaming on the terrace garden walking erratically. The terrace garden also had a 1.5 ft parapet from where police recovered his earphones.

Saturday, 10 November 2018 - 6:30am

Article Images: 
                                                            Representational purpose

IIT Roorkee experts make headway in cancer therapy

12:09 PM

IIT Roorkee experts make headway in cancer therapy

In one of its kind research work, some scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee have developed fluorescent carbon nano-dots that can serve as 'theranostic' (therapeutic + diagnostic) agents for cancer. These nanosized (10-9 meter) carbon materials have been extracted from the leaves of the rosy periwinkle plant. Their work, supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, has recently been published in the Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Journal.
The identification of cancer cells and their inhibition/destruction have been continuing challenges in the field of oncology and cancer drug research for many decades. In the past few years, nanotechnology has emerged as one of the promising areas in cancer diagnostics and treatment and nanomaterials — materials having dimensions in the nanometre (10-9 m) range — are being increasingly studied as agents in molecular tumour imaging, molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy.
The team led by Dr Gopinath has synthesized carbon nanodots by heating the leaves of Catharanthus roseus, commonly called rosy periwinkle and Vinca rosea, in a process called "hydrothermal reaction". The nanodots were found to exhibit strong fluorescence, which makes them suited for diagnostic functions, while also mediating anti-cancer activity, as was seen from in vitro studies. When fibroblast cells of a mouse were incubated in the presence of carbon nanodot suspensions for a few hours, the cells exhibited fluorescence, which showed that the carbon dots had entered the cells.
"Such events of real-time image-guided anticancer therapy by a single system open a new paradigm in the field of anticancer therapy. With these nanomaterials, we can identify the cancer cells and track them by an imaging system simultaneously as the cells themselves are being eradicated in a precise 'surgical strike," said Dr P Gopinath.
Post the observations, Dr Gopinath and his team are planning next stage animal studies for further evaluation of these nanomaterials in oncological applications, for both diagnostics and treatment and concurrently studying the factors that would affect the performance and use of carbon nanodots in cancer theranostics.
Saturday, 10 November 2018 - 6:35am

Article Images: 
IIT Roorkee
                                                       File photo of IIT Roorkee campus

Need to rein in unbridled state power, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

12:05 PM

Need to rein in unbridled state power, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Saturday indicated concerns over unbridled state power and the need to rein it before it does any harm to the constitutional framework.
"State has a power, nobody can deny that. It is needed. But because the state has the power you need to have control over it. The state's power is controlled by the Constitution but there is no guarantee that the state will abide by the Constitution. For that, you need an aware public opinion and public organisations who represent that public opinion."
"That is why public organisations should never be subservient the state power. They should keep away from the politics of state power. They cannot be the organisations of political parties," said Bhagwat at a function organised to mark the 99th birth anniversary of RSS ideologue and founder of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Dattopant Thengadi.
Whether Bhagwat said this in the context of recent controversies arising out in the case of the ongoing tussle between constitutional and autonomous bodies like the Supreme Court, RBI and CVC or India's relaxed attitude in international trade bodies can be anybody's guess. However, RSS is known to have an independent mind that is capable of conveying its concerns strongly to the government.
Indicating that time has come to initiate the next change towards Swadeshi, the long-cherished idea of Thengadi, Bhagwat admitted that the state power, because of its character as a system, will never go for this change.
"There are people within the government who want this change. But such is the arrangement of state power that it does not allow them much room," said Bhagwat asserting that change would occur only if public organisations keep on track in the long haul.
Bhagwat kept away from controversial issues like Ram Mandir and instead concentrated on how the RSS and other affiliated organisations should play the role to rein in the state power and channelise it in the right direction without getting entangled in greed for power.


Whether Bhagwat speak is in context of recent controversies involving constitutional and autonomous bodies like the Supreme Court, RBI and CVC or India’s relaxed attitude in international trade bodies can be anybody’s guess.
However, RSS is known for independent stand and capability of conveying its concerns strongly to the govt.
Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 5:40am
Article Images: 
Mohan Bhagwat
Mohan Bhagwat at RSS headquarters in Nagpur on Saturday

Rs 1crore in 5 days, Rajasthan Roadways on roll

11:59 AM

Rs 1crore in 5 days, Rajasthan Roadways on roll

The heavy passenger rush during Diwali festival has made the Rajasthan Roadways income increase by Rs 1 crore in just 5 days. The cash struggling roadways had operated 100 buses on an average on various routes between November 2 till November 6 and passengers had found these buses an efficient mode to travel home for the festival. As such, these additional buses in 5 days generated income of Rs1 crore, informed the officials at Sindhi Camp bus stand which is the central bus stand in Jaipur.
The average income of Sindhi Camp bus stand is about Rs 28 lakh-Rs 29 lakh and these 5 days have been a good festival time for roadways.
People will now be returning to Jaipur from their hometowns for going to offices from Monday and therefore, the rush will still be seen in the buses. This shot in the arm was necessary for roadways as it witnessed a long strike of employees which ended after the model code of conduct was imposed in the state on October 6.
After that, roadways employees started action of shooing away the private buses which are usually seen outside the Sindhi Camp bus stand. This helped the Rajasthan Roadways earn some extra revenue from the sale of tickets. The strike had already given loss of Rs 2 crore each day to roadways and now employees are trying hard to bring the revenue back on track.
Meanwhile, the rush is also being seen at railway stations with people returning, a large number of people are now coming back on Saturday while the ones who live near will return on Sunday and by Monday morning, the rush is expected in various long and short distance trains.
Railways had also made special arrangements to give some relaxation to passengers who had been trying to get confirmed tickets during festival days. NWR had increased coach in 11 major trains on a temporary basis running through NWR region so that the passengers can get a confirmed ticket.
For example, one third AC coach had been added in Jaipur-Pune-Jaipur Superfast Express. This increase had been made from October 30 till November 13 from Jaipur while from the Pune side, the extra coach will be made available from October 31.
Article Type: 
Sun, 11 Nov 2018-06:40am
Date updated: 
Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 6:40am
Article Images: 
Rajasthan Roadways

Sunday, November 11, 2018

फेसबुक में सहकर्मी से प्रेम संबंध की देनी होगी जानकारी

10:38 PM

फेसबुक में सहकर्मी से प्रेम संबंध की देनी होगी जानकारी

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Demonetization expanded tax base,formalised economy, confiscation of currency was not objective: Jaitley

7:23 PM

Demonetization expanded tax base,formalised economy, confiscation of currency was not objective: Jaitley

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley Thursday said demonetization resulted in formalisation of economy and increased tax base, prompting the government to earmark more resources for the poor and infrastructure development.
In a Facebook post on the second anniversary of demonetization, Jaitley said in first four years of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, the number of income tax returns filers has gone up to 6.86 crore from 3.8 crore in May 2014.
By the time the first five years of this government are over, we will be close to doubling the assessee base, he said in the post titled Impact Of demonetization".The demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes in November 2016, the minister said, had resulted in more formalisation (of economy), more revenue, more resources for the poor, better infrastructure, and a better quality of life for our citizens. He further said with the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST), it is now becoming increasingly difficult to evade the tax system and the indirect tax to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio has gone up to 5.4 per cent post GST, from 4.4 per cent in 2014-15.
Terming the criticism, that almost the entire cash money got deposited in the banks post demonetization, as ill-informed , Jaitley said confiscation of currency was not an objective of demonetization.Getting it into the formal economy and making the holders pay tax was the broader objective. The system required to be shaken in order to make India move from cash to digital transactions. This would obviously have an impacton higher tax revenue and a higher tax base, Jaitley said.The government had on November 8, 2016, announced ban on old 500 and 1000 rupee notes, to curb black money in the system.
Of the Rs 15.41 lakh crore worth Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in circulation on November 8, 2016, 99.3 per cent or notes worth Rs 15.31 lakh crore have returned to the banking system.
This means, just Rs 10,720 crore of the junked currency did not return to the banking system.After the note ban, old junked notes, called specified bank notes (SBNs), were allowed to be deposited in banks with unusual deposits coming under income tax scrutiny.Jaitley said demonetization compelled holders of cash to deposit the same in the banks.
The enormity of cash deposited and identified with the owner resulted in suspected 17.42 lakh account holders from whom the response has been received online through non-invasive method, he said.
The violators faced punitive actions. Larger deposits in banks improved lending capacity for the banks. A lot of this money was diverted to mutual funds for further investments. It became a part of the formal system, Jaitley added.
He said the share of indigenously developed payment system of unified payments interface (UPI) and RuPay card have reached 65 per cent of the payments done through debit and credit cards.
Jaitley said in 2017-18, the tax returns filed reached 6.86 crore, an increase of 25 per cent over the previous year.This year, as on October 31, 2018, already 5.99 crore returns have been filed - which is an increase of 54.33 per cent compared to the previous year till this date.As many as 86.35 lakh new filers were added this year.
Economic Affairs Secretary Subhash Chandra Garg said demonetization and GST reflect long-term vision of the government and its ability to undertake massive structural reforms.Tax filers under both direct and indirect taxes are close to getting doubled. Digital payments have risen sharply and become common place. Fake notes are out, Garg tweeted. 
Article Type: 
Thu, 8 Nov 2018-01:08pm
Date updated: 
Thursday, 8 November 2018 - 1:08pm
Article Images: 
Arun Jaitley
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Jaitley calls criticism 'ill-informed', hails DeMo on 2nd Anniversary